Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Geocoin Collection

For awhile now I have been struggling on how to keep track of my geocoin collection. I had different lists going (in Excel) but I wanted an easy way to put them up on the web for others to browse. Of course, there are a few really good sites out there where you can create and post your lists but they either cost money, aren't accepting new collectors (why?? weird) or don't show pictures. I have a bit of skill in designing webpages and doing some simple html coding but I needed a spot to do it.

So I found Google Sites. Of course, I am a "google girl" - I have a few gmail accounts, a blog, a few online documents, etc. so it was natural that I would use them for my collection site. This is actually kind of neat because you can create a website with very little experience. It's easy to use and looks good. There are not tons of options for customizing but that's ok because I did all the coding off-line and uploaded it myself in html view. There are some tags that Google Sites doesn't recognize but for the most part, it works really well.

I am even able to put up pictures of my coins and links to my activated coins, profile, this blog etc. If you would like to take a look at my collection (please do!) then click here. Should you want to create your own and need some advice/help, please let me know!

1 comment:

Mary and Bob said...

GREAT collection so far!!!!!

In case you are interested, we are selling off part of our large collection of older coins.

Feel free to check them out: